Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Club Fair

On wednesday, it was optional to go to the book club . But I went. The book club was good. There was so many clubs, that so many people were joining. I saw many clubs. I also saw one that wasnt a club. It was one if you wanted to sign up to vote. So i signed up to vote. All they told me to do was fill in the spaces and they would mail it out for me. I got a free mug when I was there. It says that you get 10cents of when you buy coffee in the cafeteria. There was this club that had to do with the environment. The club was mainly for saving the environment, which I thought was a good idea. I'm all for trying to save the environment. After that there was some lady giving out free drinks, which I wanted to try, but didnt get the chance to, maybe in the next club fair. I actually thought that going to the club fair was a good idea. I'll think about joining a club.


Nipa Royees said...

I should have taken the

Shekira said...

heyy i got a mug to..the fair was kinda cool

Ordany said...

ooh man i didnt join any club. =/

now i want the mug too hehe